Please keep in mind that these resources are meant to serve for those who lack access to therapy or aren’t finding the help they need, but this is not meant to replace therapy or many professional mental health care. If you’re able to, pairing your own self care and education with therapy is an incredible method to healing. <3

Anxiety, Depression, Self Care & Well-Being Lexes O'Hara Anxiety, Depression, Self Care & Well-Being Lexes O'Hara

5 Journaling Techniques to Improve Mental Health & Decrease Anxiety and Depression

There are studies showing that just 15 minutes of journaling up to 3 times per week can not only improve mental health struggles (including overthinking, obsessive thoughts, and emotion regulation) after a month, but it may also speed up physical healing. Here are 5 proven journaling techniques that help to improve mental health by decreasing anxiety and depression symptoms.

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